The "secret weapon" behind Codex is the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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How Codex is Formulated & Imposed on Nations

Codex Alimentarius committees (of which there are more than 20), "regional committees" and "task forces", prepare and develop standards and guidelines on every aspect of food, "from farm to fork". After these committees and task forces formulate standards which become ready for ratification (once they reach step 8 of the forumlation process), they are then presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) for ratification.

CAC is the top-level of the Codex hierarchy.

Codex is Anti-Democratic

Committees and CAC operate through poorly defined "consensus" with no attempt at democratic decision-making. The proceedings are determined by the dictates of individual chairpersons. Thus, actions of the committees and the CAC may not carry out the will of delegates or the countries they represent.

Dr. Grossklaus, Chairman of CAC and anti-nutrition Chairman of the pivotal "Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses" (CCNFSDU), had the delegate from India bodily removed during a November 2003 CCNFSDU meeting. The delegate's crime? Insisting on discussing the inclusion of CCNFSDU-approved material in baby formula which could kill 10% of newborns in his country. After the delegate was forcibly removed, Dr. Grossklaus nonchalantly declared the issue approved by "consensus".

"Consensus" has never been carefully defined. It seems that according to Codex Alimentarius, consensus is achieved when:

  • Everyone agrees
  • Everyone has been heard from
  • There is no sustained opposition

While that sounds good, the problem is that there is no democracy in the process. It is important to note that the Chairman can prevent a delegate from being heard by deliberately refraining from turning on the delegate's microphone. So if the Chairman (i.e. Dr. Grossklaus) does not like what is being said, he can flip a switch (or refrain from flipping it in the first place), and that will be that. This guarantees that there is no sustained opposition if the Chairman does not want there to be any opposition.

Conflict of Interest

Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, CCNFSDU chairman, is also the Chairman of the Board of BfR, a private corporation which specializes in Risk Assessment. Dr. Grossklaus's company submits Risk Assessment values to Codex. In his position at Codex Alimentarius, Dr. Grossklaus contributed to the bizarre definition of nutrients as toxins, and promoted the use of Risk Assessment to determine their "maximum" dosages.

Dr. Grossklaus is on record having said that "nutrition is not relevant to health" and that nutrients "have no place in the prevention, treatment or cure of any disease or condition".

How Codex Standards Are Implemented

Once ratified by the CAC, a guideline, standard or regulation is implemented in one of two ways:

  • Codex Alimentarius is accepted by the WTO and is used to decide trade disputes. Crushing trade sanctions may be applied to countries found to be in violation of the Codex Alimentarius Standards via the World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Resolution process. A country which is in compliance with Codex in its domestic laws is deemed to be the automatic winner in a trade dispute with a country whose laws are not Codex-compliant. Codex thus provides the WTO with a set of regulations by which it can judge whether a country is providing a hidden or overt barrier to trade (i.e. not complying domestically with Codex regulations).
  • Domestic compliance may be required by WTO Trade Agreements. The WTO has challenge US laws in court 11 times and won each time. The Congress of the US has changed our laws to comply with the WTO and we have lost all but 2 trade disputes within the WTO resulting in immense trade sanctions. The prevailing country, by the way, selects the area in which the trade sanctions will be applied in order to damage the offending country in the way that serves its needs best. Both the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement (SPSA) and the Technical Barrier to Trade Agreement (TBTA) (both WTO sub-agreements which the United States has unfortunately signed) have provisions which could be used to force US law into compliance with Codex Alimentarius. Many fear that both CAFTA and NAFTA could do the same (force compliance with Codex) as could the FTAA agreement. Article 3 of the SPSA makes domestic compliance mandatory with WTO-accepted standards (e.g. Codex Alimentarius) regarding toxins. Countries whose domestic law complies with Codex are held to be in automatic compliance with Codex Alimentarius for the WTO Dispute Resolution purposes. Countries not in internal compliance with Codex Alimentarius can be held to be providing a hidden barrier to trade in any food-related trade dispute and be subject to severe WTO trade sanctions.

WTO Coerces Compliance With Codex

Codex Alimentarius has no legal standing on its own. It is merely a set of regulations lacking any means of implementation except for the fact that it has been accepted by the WTO.

On October 11, 1995 the United States Federal Register announced that it is now FDA policy to accept international standards, whether completed or nearing completion, in preference to domestic standards. Thus, the groundwork was laid from the inside for the replacement of our domestic laws, standards and regulations with Codex's inferior ones (our domestic laws and standards are far superior in terms of scientific validity, consumer protection and safety).

Due to this FDA policy, undemocratic changes of national and state legislation and standards take place despite the will of the American people (with this will being expressed through laws passed by the people's elected representatives). Endangered species protection, Massachusetts tax law, Iowa gambling legislation and the presence of fructose in our beverages (with all the accompanying health risks) are just a few of the areas already challenged and changed by the WTO in our own courts. Our sovereign laws are being subjugated by an undemocratic, ill-defined body of elite financiers who seem to see only dollar signs: the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Codex Alimentarius is supported by the WTO. When Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., author of "Death by Medicine", attended a Codex committee meeting (CCNFSDU, Bonn, 2004), a long-time employee of Codex told her that once the World Trade Organization took over Codex in 1995...

"It was no longer in the hands of the 165 member nations of the WHO (World Health Organization) but in the hands of trade organizations in the 148 countries of the WTO (World Trade Organization), which seems intent on standardizing everything to do with international trade in our emerging global economy."

Thus, the sanctioning power of the WTO is what breathes life into Codex Alimentarius, because if member nations don't comply, they will face disastrous trade sanctions as penalties for that lack of compliance. To make matters far worse, developing nations are being urged to adopt the Codex standards as their own domestic laws lock, stock and barrel so the US is guaranteed to loose in every trade dispute involving food unless it, too, adopts Codex as our domestic standard.

Wealth - Not Health

Not surprisingly, with this kind of WTO-sanctioned economic pressure, countries are motivated to bring their domestic laws into compliance with Codex out of fear of the WTO and the heavy burden of trade sanctions, not because of any health benefits to their people.

As a physician practicing Natural Nutritional Medicine (NNM), I am unable to identify a single health benefit associated with Codex Alimentarius.

It is well-known that the WTO's agenda is dictated by the largest corporations on Earth, which are not well-known for their regard for the health of the people and planet.


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