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Donate to Support HealthFreedomUSA.orgYour tax deductible donations keep HealthFreedomUSA.org alive so that we can reach more people and create a movement to protect health freedom from threats like Codex Alimentarius here and abroad. Donate by Credit Card | Donate by PayPal | Donate by Check | View Donation Levels "Before I saw the site, I was feeling pretty hopeless. So, i'm glad that you are out there fighting for this very important freedom." - J.T. Here are 3 ways that you can make your donation:We are now able to function as a 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible and donors will receive a letter via email (please include your email address) or regular mail for your tax records. To make your tax-deductible donation via check or money order, mail it to us at: Natural Solutions Foundation OR ... 1) Donate via Credit Card (Secure Server) Click the green button below to use your credit card to donate online right now. 2) Donate via PayPal (Secure Server) Click the green button below to use your PayPal account, credit card, or debit card to donate online right now. "We're in good hands with HealthFreedomUSA; I think you are doing one heck of a job. I appreciate you." - S.T. 3) Donate via Check/Money Order Checks larger than $10 are tax-deductible. You can make your tax-deductible donation via check or money order and then mail it to us. Here's how:
"Your thoroughness and energy in fighting the good fight lifts me up!" - T.L. While still appreciated, checks/money orders smaller than $10 are not tax-deductible and should be:
"You are on top of the situation and updates are factual and concise." - A.L. Need help? Call us at 914-271-6792 or email us with your questions.
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