IMPORTANT: sign the Citizen's Petition ... from the comfort of your computer chair.

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What the Citizen's Petition Is About

When you think about a petition, do you see yourself in front of the grocery store signing a piece of paper with some fifty-odd names on a card table, with a plastic table cloth and a hand lettered sign?

Well, a Citizen's Petition is different. A Citizen's Petition is a legal means to focus a government agency's attention on an issue of concern to you. Once a Citizen's Petition has been entered, a "docket" to debate is opened and public comment is accepted. A Citizen's Petition does have one thing in common with the more familiar ones, though. Any number of people can add their names to it and become co-petitioners.

The current pro-Codex Alimentarius policy of the U.S. Codex Office is in violation of U.S. law. With our Citizen's Petition, we are asking the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius to comply with U.S. law.

The Natural Solutions Foundation Citizen's Petition is a ground-breaking legal approach to compel the US Government to amend its Codex Policies, hold public hearings and move from a pro-illness Codex position to a pro-health one.

If we don't like the response, the law allows us to proceed to court.

So far, about 4000 people have joined our petition. And what's more, three members of Congress have written a Congressional Letter in support of our Citizen's Petition.

Please read and sign the Citizen's Petition.

Your signature will tell the U.S. government that you expect it to abide by US laws and remove its support for Codex Alimentarius Policy, which violates US laws.

Get Acrobat ReaderThe Citizen's Petition and supporting documents are viewable and printable in either Adobe PDF or HTML web page format. We suggest you try the PDF version first since it looks better, but if PDF doesn't work for you then please select the HTML option.

  1. Read the Citizen's Petition and supporting documents.
    Adobe PDF version
    or plain HTML version.
  2. Once you've read the documents, please come back to this page in order to add your name to the Citizen's Petition.
  3. Then send us your signed Citizen's Petition. You can either:
    • fax the document to 914.730.9805 (we prefer it this way if possible)
    • or mail it to Natural Solutions Foundation, 88 Batten Road, Croton on Hudson, NY, 10520, U.S.A.
    • or scan the signed letter and send it as an email attachment to

You can also read the Petition's individual components (PDF only):

Ready for more action?

QUESTION: I sign petitions almost every day, and most of them only require you to add your name, address, etc.. Is there some sort of legal reason why this particular petition requires a hand-written signature?

ANSWER: Those "everyday" petitions were not part of an actual legal suit (which a Citizen's Petition is). They were an outpouring of public support for a position or belief. Unlike them, a Citizen's Petition is actually the first step in an organized legal challenge to policy of the government. In this case, we are insisting that the US Government abide by the law of the land in terms of its Codex policy. Thus, without your signature a document with your name and address on it could be derived from a list without your knowledge. In order to prevent that, we need your actual signature. I am sorry if this is inconvenient but I think that you can understand that we want each and every petition to have its maximum input. Thanks for your activism.


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