Email Newsletter from //06 The Natural Solutions Foundation has been rather quite of late. We have been formatting a program that can take many of the discreet and separate areas in which we are passionately interested and weave them together into a structure which can change the face of hunger and illness around the world. Because I value your insight and judgment, I am writing this email to ask for your input, thoughts and advise to help us refine the preliminary program as articulated here, thoughts on potential sources of support and ideas on how we can find funding sources for one or more aspects of this program. We are now in the process of honing the initiative that the Natural Solutions Foundation announced earlier this month: the International Decade of Nutrition We have the knowledge right now to apply advanced, inexpensive and simple nutritional and technological strategies which can break that cycle while putting real power in the hands of the local and culturally-integrated producers and consumers. The International Decade of Nutrition is designed to provide massive data on the incontrovertible benefits of large scale nutrition applied on a national and international scale articulated and formulated to provide easy to follow templates for poor and developing countries to apply to their own communities at limited cost for nearly unlimited outcomes in health, prosperity and quality of life, health and food security. A. Micronutrient SupportLarge populations will be assessed for health status, employment or school status, age, miscarriage and parity, current health problems, laboratory studies, work history, economic and dietary status, etc. Following initial assessment, the population will be divided into two groups. At the conclusion of the study, the two groups will be evaluated using the same laboratory and medical evaluations. Their overall health, new cases of diseases (infectious and non-infectious, communicable and non-communicable), days of work/school lost, visits to hospital or clinics, miscarriages and parity, deaths from identified and unidentified causes, etc. The economic impact (e.g., days at work vs... lost days in economic terms, consumption of medical services, money spent on drugs or potions, etc.) of high potency nutritional supplementation vs.. no implementation will be evaluated using all appropriate parameters. Examples: high potency foil packs provided one per day to all test study participants (identical placebo provided to untreated group), pill packs provided to school children every day upon arrival at school and on off days, nutrients provided to every factory worker in a regional industry pool, all pregnant women in a particular area, etc. 2. Macronutrient SupportLarge scale, low cost, high yield agricultural innovations will be introduced in fields growing various crops using strict control measures to make sure that treated and non-treated fields are equivalent. Soil characteristics, nutrient density, average weight and volume of crop yield, pesticide use, loss of crops to pests and rot pre and post harvest, total crop value with and without intervention, soil status before and after crop harvest, etc. will be evaluated with and without intervention. Economic and social impact of the technology will be evaluated in cultural, social and economic terms. Comparisons of food and food impact, bioavailability of nutrients and their presence, absence and ratios of nutrients with and without intervention will be documented along with water use in treated and untreated fields. Examples: magnetizing irrigation water, frequency treatment to enhance nutrient density, organic fertilizer to return depleted minerals to the soil for conventional farming, soiless, non-chemical agriculture in closed structures, etc. C. Disease EradicationSpecific epidemic and endemic diseases will be treated with low cost, high potency, safe measures which require minimal training and special handling to treat or control disease. A single disease entity will be selected for a large population study. Large populations where diseases like malaria, yellow fever, leishmaniasis, diarrhea, tuberculosis and other communicable or infectious diseases can be treated with simple, inexpensive, powerful techniques which can, ideally, be used by people with little or no training because they are so safe and effective. Examples: colloidal silver, frequency techniques, high dose nutrients, etc. D. Epidemiology and Economics of HealthHealthy people consume fewer expensive health care and related resources while producing more economic and social wealth. Their level of satisfaction rises and their ability to participate in the development of their regions and nations can reasonably be expected to rise. The changes in work patterns, costs associated with illness and those associated with increasing levels of health, economic productivity measures, educational outcomes, new disease rates and ratios, etc. will be carefully tracked, documented and presented in easy to read, easy to apply formats. Recommendations and strategies for applying the simple, low cost techniques which have been studied and documented will be presented in publications, workshops, political, consumer and health care personnel education. E. Special Projects Clean water is an underpinning for any health endeavor. Water projects using low cost, high efficiency, environmentally friendly techniques easily learned and controlled by the population served will be carried out and their impact carefully documented. Yours in health and freedom,
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