If HR 550 Passes, Democracy Just Might Survive

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Email Newsletter from 4/10/06

Please Circulate Widely

Take Action right now and we might have a democratic nation to pass on to our children.

Would your recognize America if your vote had absolutely no meaning? That's where we are heading. But that's not the America I gave 32 years of my life in the United States Army to preserve and protect. Sadly, thought, that's where corrupted voting machines are taking us. America rests on the ballot box.

The loss of a democratic republic means the loss of everything I have spent my life defending. But if you are prepared to loose our democracy, you can stop reading right now. Otherwise, keep going.

Electronic voting machines are easily corrupted and programmed to give any outcome the programmer’s boss wants. For example, in one heavily Democratic district in Ohio more votes for the Republican Presidential Candidate were recorded than all the voters in the district put together -- several times over.

No Paper Trail, No Democracy. Period.

On September 19, 2005, the Commission on Federal Election Reform co-chaired by President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker issued its Final Report. The Report, among other things, called on Congress to enact legislation requiring both a voter verified paper ballot of every vote and routine random audits to check the accuracy of electronic voting.

Take away honest ballots and the concept of democracy evaporates. New computers used for voting have no paper trails so there is no way to determine if they recorded your vote correctly or not.

Without the paper trail recommended by the bi- partisan blue ribbon Federal Election Reform Commission, votes on computers have neither integrity nor meaning.

Paper trails allow independent audits of results and that keeps the results honest.

If America's democracy looses the ballot box, America has lost her democracy.

Keep America's Ballot Boxes Meaningful

When Saddam Hussein was still in power, his government announced that he had been "elected" President by a majority of 99.99% in what they trumpeted as "A new type of democracy which had never been seen before".

Unless we want a "democracy" manipulated by electronic means to bring us the same bogus "results", which of course have no bearing whatsoever on the will of the people, it is important that you act now to support HR 550 and require Federal Elections to produce paper trails and undergo independent audits.

Oh, and By the Way...

Don't let Wyeth push the FDA to ban natural hormones. Remember to tell the FDA and Congress that you value your health freedom and want to make your own health choices. Tell them to protect women's (and men's, by the way) rights to bio identical hormones and the compounding pharmacists who fill those prescriptions. Want to know more? Click here to read more on the issue.

The Natural Solutions Foundation depends upon your generous support. Keeping health freedom free is a big mission and it requires the eternal vigilance that Thomas Jefferson warned us we would need. It also requires money.

The Natural Solutions Foundation is there for you, protecting your interests in natural health and access to the options you want to use.

Won't you add your support to our effort, too? While you donate, why not purhase the highly informative Nutricide: the DVD or download the same information-packed Codex e-book presented to Ministers of Health and other government leaders in Africa during our recent African trip?

Focusing on dietary supplements, this e-book presents the template for the only viable strategy to correcting Codex threats to world health and hunger that we know of AND a great deal of specific, science-based information on nutrients in health and the nutritional treatment of cardiovascular disease, wound healing and diabetes/blood sugar control!

We know you count on us. We're counting on you, too!

Yours in health and freedom,
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III
(U.S. Army, Ret.)

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