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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to CCFL(5/10/06 Email Newsletter) Just before our astounding win at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) in Ottawa last week, I was in Kansas City, MO at a meeting of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. While there I spoke with one of the exhibitors who makes very high quality nutrients used by doctors like me. About 18 months ago I informed him about the Codex threat to his business and his health. He said, "If you can convince me that Codex is real, I will support what you are doing." When I saw him in KC I asked if the materials I had sent him had convinced him that the threat was real. He allowed as how he now understood that Codex was the threat I said it was. Did he think our efforts were taking us in the right direction? Yes, he liked and admired what we are doing. "So why haven't we seen your support?" I asked him. His reply was most instructive. He said, "Well, frankly, I think what you are doing is exactly right but when you ask for money it turns me off." I then asked him if he had any idea of the cost of doing what he likes so well. He said, "Yes, it must cost a bundle!" as indeed it does. "Where do you propose that the money come from?" I asked. He is a successful business man so his answer astonished me: "I don't know and I don't really want to be bothered with that aspect. But I like what you are doing: KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!" So here is the deal: in a fairy tale world that's fine. In the real world it doesn't cut the mustard. If you like what we are doing, if your high potency supplements, clean, unadulterated food, and meaningful health freedom are important to you, then this is your battle. And if it's your battle, we need your help. It's that simple. If you have already donated generously, we thank you. If you are like the gentleman above, please think again. Fairy tale thinking in a real world battle just does not win. We are planning a trip to India, China and Thailand in Asia where we have appointments being made at the very highest levels of decision making to bring our strategy forward and gain powerful allies. We have been invited back to talk with African decision makers whom we met with before and invited to several countries where we have not been yet to discuss our international strategy. We are working in the US to strengthen pro-health consumer protection forces inside and outside of Congress. Our 2006 budget for these activities is $200,000. So far we have raised $16,450. You do the math. If you like the results we are achieving (and they are unprecedented) won't you take the following steps: 1. Make a generous tax deductible donation. How about a recurring donation? Either way, please do your share to support the most effective pro-health initiative ever in Codex history! 2. Purchase your snacks, personal care items, and other household necessities from our support site, www.EatSafeEatSmart.com, where every item is GMO free, organic (or better) and the Natural Solutions Foundation receives a portion of each sale. You buy toothpaste and chocolate anyway: why not make sure they are organic and support your favorite health freedom activists: the Natural Solutions Foundation. Help us with the heavy lifting, won't you? Yours in health and freedom,
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