Email Newsletter from 10/11/06
Each One Teach 400 Or So*
* The Chinese spread literacy throughout their country, it is said, by the "Each One Teach One" principle.
Codex is a winnable battle. It takes awareness, motivation, hope and tools to win. And it takes people. You know that we don't have the major media fighting to be first in line to tell the story of Codex and the industrialization/pollution of our food supply. They are not itching to let everyone in America know that despite the fact that nutrients are safe and effective, to say nothing of inexpensive, they make most drugs unnecessary.
They've got the money and the media. We've got each other and our major tool: truth. We've also got a great DVD, thanks to Bauman College of Nutrition who arranged to film our Keynote Address at their school.
"Nutricide: the DVD" is a riveting educational tool. And now you can go online to see a crucial excerpt from "Nutricide: the DVD " on Google Video! One of our Atlanta supporters in Atlanta (more about her tremendous work a little later on) put up a segment of the DVD because, as she was developing support for this weekend's fundraiser, she "got tired of explaining Codex over and over".
"Why not put it on line?" she thought. Why not, indeed? So she did and now you can preview this important DVD and share it with your circle of influence, too. Thank you, Asha!
After you go to to watch an enlightening and informative excerpt, take these 4 simple steps:
- Post a comment (to the right of the video) to let people know what you think
- Give the film a [5] star rating
- Order the complete DVD
- Email the "Nutricide:the DVD" excerpt ( link to everyone in your address book. Ask them to watch the clip and get involved with winning the health freedom struggle. Oh, and don't forget to ask them to use for all your searches and to designate "Natural Solutions Foundation" as their preferred charity. We get a penny for every search and it doesn't cost them anything. (You're already using, right?)
So how do your friends and contacts get involved? Easy. Ask them to:
- Visit the rest of this Natural Solutions Foundation website and sign up for the free (secure) Health Freedom Alert newsletter
- Join the health freedom community: spend some time on the site: take the "5 Minute Codex Tour" on the site, read and comment on Dr. Laibow's Health Freedom Blog, etc.
- Sign the Citizens Petition to challenge the US Government's illegal supplement "HARMonization" policy
- Get the informative Codex eBook and Nutricide: the DVD (available on the site)
- Forward the Nutricide link to everyone in YOUR address book so the cycle can repeat and the community can grow.
- Show Nutricide in your community (e.g., office, church, health food store, community center, library, etc.) to get people involved. It's everyone's struggle: everyone eats. Ask them to sign the Citizens Petition, too.
- Donations are greatly appreciated. Health Freedom is not free. All donations are tax deductible. 100 % goes to program. Not one penny goes to administrative costs or overhead.
Atlanta is the site of some hot happenings this weekend. If you are lucky enough to be in Georgia October 13-15, 2006, there are 3 terrific events because of a group of supporters in Atlanta. Among them is Asha, an energetic whirlwind of a dancer, promoter and artist. With a lecture in the planning, she asked if she could put on a benefit concert. "You bet!" we said and, a few months later, here we are.
If you can make any of the events, come on down. Make sure you check details with
Tel: 770-882-6851
Tel: 404-933-4760
Community Events Build,
Well, Community!
You can do what folks like, for example,
- Dr. and Mrs. Wilson did in North Carolina
- Dr. Ged Natzke did in Michigan
- Dr. Ed bauman did in San Francisco
- Bill Nelson did in Mexico
- Melanie Fisher did in Missouri
- Rico Martinez did in Palm Desert
- Asha is doing in Atlanta
You need the grass for a grass roots movement. A community event is a great way to nurture people's involvement in health freedom.
If you are interested in working with a small group of people to create an event in your area and/or in getting your professional group involved, we'll help. Watering the grass with community participation makes the roots grow!
Spreading the word is the name of the freedom game. For Asha to put an excerpt of "Nutricide: the DVD" on the net was a stroke of genius. Untold numbers of people can watch an important lecture and choose to find out more!
Concerts, lectures, DVD showings, health freedom coffees.... What feels right to you? Let your creativity rip! The only way we are going to preserve our health freedom is to make quite a lot of noise. Communities make a lot more noise than one person. Let's get the word out. If you've got an idea, write to me at We'll help!
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
PS: For a quick look at our recent health freedom positions and activities check out our latest press releases.
The WHO Global Strategy for Diet, Physical Exercise and Nutrition is a strong pro-health mandate for Codex which WHO and FAO ("mommy" and "daddy" to Codex) want Codex to implement. How they do it determines if the Global Strategy has any meaning for Codex. South Africa has proposed 11 dynamite principles for doing it right. We are
urging the US to support those principles
Codex wants to permit the addition of fluoride, a dangerous poison, to infant formula despite major dangers to babies from that decision. Leukemias and other cancers, tooth and bone damage, arthritis, brain damage, thyroid disease and a host of other dangers lurk when fluoride is present in the food and drink supply. We urged the US to change its position and oppose fluoride in baby formula
Nutrition and DSHEA as the International Standard are vital to health freedom everywhere so on September 5, 2006 we inaugurated the
International Decade of Nutrition