Working for Nothing -- Fighting for Everything

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We are working for nothing because we are fighting for everything.

(8/25/06 Email Newsletter)


__ Yes __ No I believe that natural health options should be readily available for me to choose if I want to use them.

__ Yes __ No I believe that restricting vitamins and minerals to levels that have no impact on a human being will needlessly increase human suffering.

__ Yes __ No I believe that the FDA's job is to protect me, not Big Pharma and to protect me from Big Pharma.

__ Yes __ No I believe that natural health options are safer than drugs in many situations.

__ Yes __ No I believe that Codex Alimentarius represents a significant threat to my health and health freedom.

__ Yes __ No I believe that disseminating information at the grass roots level around the globe is important in protecting health and health freedom globally.

__ Yes __ No I believe that my health freedom is worth fighting.

__ Yes __ No I believe that high potency nutritional supplments can help end hunger and increase world health.


You are a health freedom advocate and we need your help. You know that the Natural Solutions Foundation is the one of the most effective US and domestic health freedom advocacy organizations in the world. You also know that we have no industry ties of any kind and that our support comes from our constituency. You also know that General Stubblebine and I devote ourselves (more than) full time to this battle for all of us.


Right now, today, the outstanding costs that the Natural Solutions Foundation needs to pay for past work on your behalf is about $68,000. There is no way we can meet that expense alone. So we are asking for your help in a time of crisis.

You may not know that our Natural Solutions Foundation lawyers, graphic artist, Director of Development, General Stubblebine and I get no salary, no honoraria -- nothing -- and derive no income whatsoever from what we are doing for health freedom.

We are working for nothing because we are fighting for everything.

Fighting for health freedom does not come free:

  • Our recent printing bill for the materials which we supply to heads of state and others (the hard copy of the Codex eBook you can purchase online) were $14,000.
  • Airfare for the trip we just completed to multiple Africa countries, Geneva and various India states exceeded $20,000
  • Hotel expenses for almost 2 months on the road topped $10,000
  • Other expenses (food, fuel, phone, etc.) added thousands of dollars to the cost of our trip to keep health freedom free here and abroad.
  • Our efforts are bearing fruit inside Codex, here at home and in the Third World! Thanks to the Natural Solutions Foundation's work, people we have touched are demanding their basic human right to be well and stay that way through natural health.


I don't want you to shut down your life to defend your health freedom. We're doing that part of the heavy lifting for you (a whole lot more than full time!) But I am asking you to help by making a monthly pledge of $10, $20, $50 dollars: whatever you can afford using your credit card on our secure site.

That way, we'll have income that we can count on to make it possible for us to print the DVDs and the materials for decision makers, pay for travel to attend Codex meetings, meet leaders in their own countries to enlist them in the health freedom battle (and our own leaders here in the US, too), cover the costs of getting to lecture sites (we pay those: the audience gets our information for free) and all the other expenses involved with fighting for your freedom and ours.

If you can give more, great! By all means, please donate now. Please take a moment to make your tax deductible pledge now to help keep health freedom free.

Thank you in advance for your help. We welcome and need it to keep on doing the good work for which the Natural Solutions Foundation is known.

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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