50,000 Comments Later, Wyeth Fights Back

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Email Newsletter from 4/28/06

Just in case you thought the fight for the right to choose natural hormones was over, think again.

Wyeth has amended its original October 5, 2005 Citizens Petition to take away your right to buy safe, cheap hormones identical to the ones nature makes and to close down the specially trained pharmacists who custom make prescriptions in different doses, combinations which are, for example, preservative or color free, unique delivery systems, etc. which your doctor thinks is best for you.

Originally designed to shore up its failing market for profitable synthetic hormones which are so dangerous that the National Institutes of Health closed down a 15 year study nearly 3 years early because Wyeth's hormones increased women's chances of getting various types of cancers, having heart attacks, become senile, etc. Women flocked to natural, safer, cheaper options and Wyeth's share of that lucrative market dropped like a rock.


Click here to tell the FDA that taking away your rights to the safe and natural options you choose for yourself is not acceptable to you.

If you would like to read more and then send your comments to the FDA, visit Dr. Laibow's Health Freedom Blog, "Lipstick on a Pig".

Codex Update

South Africa has taken the lead in a major pro-nutrition health initiative which I told you about in "Six Degrees of Separation". One of our wonderful "Genetically Modified Good Guy Lawyers", Ralph Fucetola, will be attending the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (Ottawa, Canada, May 1-5, 2006) as part of the Natural Solutions Foundation delegation along with General Stubblebine and me.

We'll be providing technical support and coalition building to pro-health countries. Important? You bet! Want to help? Click here to forward a letter to decision makers and health freedom activists you have contact with all over the world.


Click here to order "Nutricide: the DVD"

Click here to download "The Codex eBook"

Click here to make a tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation and become part of this dynamic health freedom support system.

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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