Email Newsletter from 4/26/06
Now It's Your Turn!
We have an unparalleled opportunity inside Codex right now! If it is going to count I need your help.
You know the theory: We are all only a few connections away from each other.
If that's true it provides a really important opportunity and I need your help in two ways:
A major pro-health initiative has been launched within the Codex framework by South Africa (SA). Codex has been reminded that it is responsible to implement a pro-health World Health Organzation (WHO) initiative (which is not exactly what the folks running Codex want to hear, of course). Not only that, but SA has placed 11 strongly pro-health items on the agendas of the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) AND the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU).
However, making sure that we get forward movement from this initiative requires voices from other countries, lots of them. And that's where you come in.
Can I borrow your circle of influence?
We need your help in making Codex history and bringing these pro-health agenda items to a reality. This is absolutely new ground for Codex and a coalition of countries speaking out on behalf of this document, and these docket items will mark a new era in Codex. Click here to read South Africa's document and then email it (with a little note explaining what it is) to absolutely everyone you can think of who is a decision maker in any country in the world or who might be connected with a decision maker anywhere.
Then email the same document with a personal note to as many of your contacts and friends, associates, etc., as you can and ask the people to whom you mail it to do the same. Let them know what is happening.
CCFL takes place May 1-May 5 in Ottawa.
Now is the hour!
Remember, after CCFL we have the same opportunity at the CCNFSDU in October. We are building a pro-health coalition among the countries who have the most to gain -- and the most to loose.
Second part of the help you can give:
Donate now!
We are being invited to visit decision makers in Asia and even more countries in Africa than we met with last time to bring our Codex strategy to them. REALLY high level people, in fact. That's the good news. We are making real headway and the momentum is building.
The rest of the good news is that we need to ask you, our friends, to give generously to help us with the expenses of this campaign. If you have already given generously, thank you. How about doing it again?
If, on the other hand you have been waiting for the right moment, here it is!
Give till it feels great!
All of your contributions to the Natural Solutions Foundation are now tax deductible! So you can help the health freedom cause and let Uncle Sam help you make the deduction!
Here are some good ways to make your contribution count:
1. Sign up to make a monthly contribution and help smooth out the financial curve!
2. Dig deep into your pockets right now and send a check or use your credit card or Pay Pal to give your maximum support. We cannot do it without your help, you know.
3. How much do you spend each month on nutrients, herbs, supplements and other wellness materials? Why not donate one month's supplement cost to us since we are fighting for your right to take them! That would help us and increase our ability to continue the health freedom campaign. And why not get your friends to do the same?
Let's get hopping!
We've got ground breaking developments opening up at Codex and we've got a plan to get the most mileage out of this set of new developments. But we can't do this work in the absence of funding. This is an urgent plea for your support and contributions.
Oh, and by the world, while you are at it, don't forget to order the highly informative eBook and our fact-packed Nutricide: the DVD.
Remember, SA's initiative is a huge change for Codex.
Let's take advantage of this powerful opportunity.
Thanks in advance for your help. I know from experience I can count on you and your friends!
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation